Accueil » The Museum » THE LEARNING PATH
Educational Booklet
Ce livret permet aux enfants d’être autonome lors de leur visite, il leur permettra de mieux comprendre l’histoire du site et de retenir plus facilement les informations. Disponible seulement en ligne.
Le plan du parcours vous permettra de cheminer entre les différents blockhaus. Disponible en ligne et à la boutique.
Le flyer recense toutes les informations dont vous aurez besoin avant votre visite.
Disponible en ligne et à la boutique.

So that Knowledge feeds Memory
This well-preserved site, with its educational trail, helps you understand the workings of an artillery battery, the position of the Merville Battery in the Atlantic Wall, the stages of its construction, Rommel’s interest in it and the daily life of the soldiers stationed there.
Discover our 360-degree view of the Battery
Actions of the Conservatoire du Littoral
The Conservatoire du Littoral, in collaboration with Airborne Assault Normandy and the Municipality of Merville-Franceville, has preserved the authenticity of the Merville Battery site by purchasing the land.
You can now discover one of the most important places of 6 June, a historic site that has been completely preserved since the end of the war and which now extends over more than 10 hectares. In addition to a command post and about ten blockhouses, it has four formidable pillboxes whose fire could enfilade Sword beach and endanger the eastern sector of the Allied landing.